The last few weekends I have been working away at the bike getting ready to hopefully start the motor next weekend, which is a long weekend for Anzac Day. I have also placed a couple more orders from MikesXS for some more parts.
Parts wise, I have purchased:
Engine Oil Seal Kit
Clutch Pushrod Oil Seal
3 Bond #1194-Gasket Sealant
Headpipe Gaskets
Gasket - filter element cover
Gasket - filter element base
Gasket - RH crankcase cover (clutch)
Gasket - carb holder (Pk./2)
Gasket - LH case cover (Alternator)
That order with shipping came to a total of $123.88 AUD with shipping.
I have also placed an order for the following parts last week, and they will arrive this week:
Speedo-2.25" White Face 0-220 KPH
Pamco Electronic Ignition Kit
Copper Washers - (Pk/10) filter/Cooler
Tach Drive Block-off Cap
Which was a total of $342.10 AUD with shipping.
Last weekend I pulled off the right hand case cover and cleaned up the insides of that, replaced the kickstarter seal, re-installed the kickstarter, new oil filter, new gaskets on the oil filter, it's cover and the side cover.
This weekend I have replaced the clutch pushrod seal, checked over the carbs again and then installed them. All I have left to do before I can start it up, is fill it with oil, confirm the timing is still ok, hook up a temporary fuel tank and hope that the wiring is still all ok.
My total for the project so far is now $804 out of pocket, which I think it pretty good. Sure I could have saved a little cash by not purchasing the new speedo and pamco ignition, but I think they are justified by the fact that they will allow the bike to run better (Pamco ignition) and the new speedo is smaller and has all of the lights needed for the bike to stay legal with our road rules. My current speedo looks ok, but the original tacho is broken and non functional, so it is going to come off as I could fail roadworthy if it is on the bike and non functional, and it contains the high beam light (which is also a must for roadworthy)
So hopefully my update next weekend will be a good one with a running motor and a video to show it!